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Welcome to MicrObs

Luxembourg's first national dashboard presenting epidemiological data from wastewater analysis from cities across the country.

Discover how wastewater analysis reveals our community's health status in near real-time, by examining the circulation trends of certain pathogens at the community level.

Wastewater surveillance: a mirror of our collective health

Wastewater analysis provides a unique window into the health of populations connected to sewer networks. By detecting viral traces present in human waste, we can paint an accurate picture of the health situation across the Grand Duchy.

This innovative approach is a useful complement to traditional health surveillance methods. Thanks to its non-invasive nature and its ability to provide anonymous, reliable and objective data, this tool is essential for assessing the prevalence of infectious viral diseases within our population.

A major advantage of this method is its ability to detect pathogens from the entire population, including asymptomatic carriers. This early detection allows us not only to identify known and emerging pathogens but also to anticipate potential outbreaks.

This surveillance provides particularly relevant information about the circulation of infectious diseases, including cases that may escape traditional medical channels. Its excellent cost-effectiveness makes it an ideal tool for tracking disease transmission at the community level.

▶️  To deepen your understanding of this innovative approach and its impact on public health, we invite you to watch our explanatory video.

Our team conducts weekly sampling and analysis to track the evolution of targeted viral pathogens of interest. By sharing these results, we are committed to maintaining transparent communication with the public while supporting Luxembourg's long-term health surveillance strategy.

For more information on the team behind this initiative, please visit the About Us section.